Friday, July 15, 2022

Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) Lacture No 1

 HTML stands for

Hyper Text Markup Language

HTML is formatting language

HTML is not programming language ( C, C+C, java, cobool, Pascal, visual, basic, Visual studio text, Adobe Dreamweaver CC)

 Basic Elements of HTML: 

1:Head section (Head ) contain title section.e.g. (title) My first page

2:Body section 


1:paired tags (paired tag always have starting and ending tag.

e.g. for bold text we wrote (b)

For italic text we write (I)

2: singular tag

( Singular tag have only starting tag

e.g. for break text we write (br)

For horizontal line we write (HR)

 Purpose of HTML: 

Used web pages/ websites

Websites is the collection of web pages

 Tools used: 

At least one browser is required to make webpage

At least one editor is required to make webpage (Notepade, Notepad++, Sublime text, )

 Background colour:

(Body bgcolor="blue")


(P) This is my first paragraph (/p)

 Formatting tags:

(b) Bold(/b)

(I) Italic (/i)

(U)Underline (/u)


(u) This is my first paragraph that is underline (/u)


(i)This is my first paragraph that is italic (/i)

 Heading Tags: 

(H1) This is largest heading (/h1)

(H2) Thai is largest heading (/h2)

(H3) This is largest heading (/h3)

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